Bill Maher Slams Google, Yahoo & iPhone Buyers

Bill Maher went for a web-centric New Rules segment on Friday, slamming Yahoo, Google, Bebo, iPhone buyers, 9/11 conspiracy theorists and “lactivists”. The Vanessa Hudgens scandal even gets a mention.

On the Yahoo ad deal: “This week, Yahoo announced a deal with Bebo that will help it compete with Google. I had to wiki Bebo to find out it’s kind of like Friendster and Woofie. Gosh, I hope they can all band together to save Fuzzelton village from the evil Snords. Grow up. If I want to see uncaring, money-making machines with cutesy names, I go to a strip club.”

On the iPhone price cut: “Stop b*tching that Apple cut the price on the iPhone. Early adopters always pay a premium. “Early adopters” being a business term meaning dipsh*ts who stand in line for 6 hours for a freaking phone. It’s not a price cut, it’s a repeal on the nerd tax.”

Article from @ Mashable

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