Cisco CEO makes peace with Apple over Iphone

NOT SO LONG AGO, the naming of the Iphone provoked a litigious sideshow to the main event of the release of Apple’s all-conquering device. Now, our Good News department can report, peace is breaking out.

Cisco was cross that Apple announced the Iphone even though it had not settled discussions over rights to the name, which belonged to its subsidiary Linksys, the company claimed. This being a legal story involving IT firms, Apple’s response was predictably churlish, saying Cisco’s position was without merit and even dismissing the spat as "silly".

Later, the firms shook hands and had a metaphorical beer, and now hard feelings seem to have gone.

Speaking at the conference in San Francisco today, Cisco CEO John Chambers helped demonstrate the Iphone to show a voice portal.

"Is that a Cisco iPhone or an Apple Iphone?” he quipped, before graciously admitting “It is an amazing device."

Read it @ The Inquirer

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