GUI version of free iPhone unlock in the works

For anyone who was waiting for a free unlock before they purchased an iPhone, yesterday's announcement of iUnlock was great news. Now that the unlock has been released, iPhone hackers are engaging in one of their favorite pursuits: making existing hacks even easier to use. The unlocking process with iUnlock isn't particularly complex, but TUAW's Erica Sadun is working on an even simpler, GUI-based iPhone unlocking tool, which should be released in the next few days.

As it turns out, there's already a GUI unlock application out there, but it's got quite a bit of drama surrounding it. The original iUnlock tool was written by the iPhone Dev Team, with the upcoming graphical additions courtesy of Erica. Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped a UK man from ripping off the code for the GUI unlock and releasing it as his own, as well as trying to take credit for the original free unlock. The whole story is a bit complex, but suffice to say that the current GUI unlock tool is based on some code ripped from other developers, and is being distributed without their consent, making it more than a bit sketchy.

The version of the application that has been released is a pretty crude beta, whereas the product from Erica and the iPhone Dev Team promises to be far more polished. The software will offer a one-click unlock of the iPhone, using the method detailed in the iUnlock instructions. Even if you hate the command line and are desperate for an easier way to unlock your iPhone, I'd highly recommend waiting for the release of the official GUI unlock. It should be available fairly soon, and will even be available through to make things even easier. People have put a lot of time and effort into developing cool hacks for the iPhone, so I think it's worth waiting a few days in order to show them some appreciation and support.

Article @ Ars Technica

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