If true, Jobs quote of “A 3G iPhone later next year” should kill demand for iPhone 1.0

Already having conceded to upset “early adopters” of the iPhone who were taken by surprise when Apple dropped the price of the 8GB iPhone (and dropped the 4GB iPhone altogether), Apple may have yet a new crisis on its hands: CEO Steve Jobs’ apparent pre-announcement that a 3G version of the iPhone will be available next year.

If the report is true, this could be worse news for Apple given that the price drop had to have come so soon to stimulate demand. There’s nothing that kills demand for the current generation of a product like an announcement that the next generation won’t be stillborn with obsolete networking technology the way the currently available generation was. Even if the report of Jobs saying this isn’t true, my guess is that a 3G iPhone in 2008 is pretty much a sure bet.

Jobs has been quoted as saying that “The trade off with 3G [in battery life] is too bad right now.” Either something is about to change when it comes to battery life that Jobs knows about but we don’t, or, Apple is realizing that price isn’t the only reason that prospective iPhone buyers are holding off for iPhone 2.0 (a suggestion I’ve been making since the iPhone came out). Sure, the next version of anything will always be better than the current one. But iPhone 2.0 will very likely get the things right that iPhone 1.0 got so wrong.

The whole article is @ ZDNet Blogs

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