IPhone Boosts Google Maps Usage

Google_maps_iphoneIt would appear Google owes Steve Jobs a round of beers. According to GigaOm, the iPhone has boosted the popularity of Google Maps like never before.

While she didn't give specific numbers, Marissa Mayer, Google's vice president of search products, told Om that the company saw a significant uptick in Google Maps usage shortly after the iPhone release in July. That trend has continued for the past two months, Mayer said, and "maps usage hasn’t stopped rising."

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for YouTube, another iPhone feature Apple has promoted heavily. Meyer says that the phone's YouTube functionality has not caused any major upsurge in video viewing. Of course, that may be attributable to YouTube's already gigantic user base, but AT&T's slow-as-molasses EDGE network certainly isn't helping matters.

Read the whole article @ Wired

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