iPhone will go on sale in U.K. on Nov. 9

Apple's iPhone will go on sale in Britain on Nov. 9 and have the O2 network as its exclusive carrier, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said Tuesday.

The 8-gigabyte model will sell for $536 (269 pounds), Jobs said at a news conference in London.

"We can't wait to let people here get their hands on it and see if they love it as much as we do," Jobs said.

Apple cut the price of the 8-gigabyte iPhone in the U.S. from $599 to $399 and discontinued the $499 (360 euros) 4-gigabyte version. It apologized to those who had paid full price and offered $100 credits to early buyers.

Apple's announcement in London was bound to spur speculation about further launches in Europe, though Jobs declined comment.

Read the whole article @ USA Today

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