New Hack Allows you to Re-Lock Your IPhone

Forget unlocking your iPhone. With Apple announcing today a forthcoming update that will supposedly break all software unlocks as well as plans to void the warranties on previously hacked or unlocked iPhones, a new option to re-lock your phone has just emerged on MacNN.

The process, as outlined by one MacNN reader, promises to restore your iPhone to its natural unsullied state -- thus rendering it impervious to Apple's forthcoming firmware update. But don't get too excited. This hack is by no means for the faint of heart. Nor is it a guarantee your iPhone will survive the update. Even the author reminds users that his instructions "are still in flux."

It is believed the above procedure will relock your iPhone and prevent it from being made permanently unusable by the upcoming firmware update. There is no gaurantee [sic], however, and I take no responsibility for your iPhone if the above procedures do not work for you and your iPhone gets hosed.

There you have it. So for all you unlockers out there, it sounds like waiting for this relocking business to get smoothed out is probably your best bet...that, and avoiding iTunes like the plague this week.

Read the whole article @ Wired

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