What is an iPhone Application?

Kevin Hoffman's Blog

This is the first blog post in a series that I plan on writing about iPhone application development. The first thing you should know is that these blog posts will not cover anything related to taking existing content sites and making them more "iPhone-friendly". While I think that is a valuable topic, it has little interest to me as a programmer. If I was a website manager, then it might have more interest to me. There are plenty of online resources for making your web content more iPhone-friendly and the fact that the iPhone runs a full version of Safari makes this a somewhat minor task.

Secondly, while I may refer to the "iPhone" as the target device for this series of articles, keep in mind that there are now 2 devices that can be considered targets for "iPhone Applications": the iPhone and the iPod Touch. The iPhone can access potential iPhone apps using WiFi or EDGE and the iPod touch can use WiFi. Do not underestimate the potential consumer base of the iPod Touch - think of the number of public WiFi locations as well as the number of people who have WiFi in their homes... the iPod Touch users will be quite well connected, even without the backing of a cellular network.

Read the whole article @ Java.Sys-Con

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