3G iPhone Coming in 2008

Jobs plans to roll out 3G iPhone next year, and keep same battery lif

Apple's iPhone has been slighted for many reasons, including its price, contract obligations and lack of modern 3G wireless data ability. While the issue of price has been diluted with a $200 price cut, and contractual obligations made all but moot with the public release of the iUnlock software, the iPhone is still limited to the slower EDGE data service.

But not for much longer.

UK website Pocket-Lint is reporting that Steve Jobs has just announced that a 3G-enabled iPhone is on the way for 2008. No specific date or even a quarter was given, only the abstract "next year."

With the proliferation of wireless data access overseas it's no surprise that Jobs made this announcement at a London Apple store - but it may have the side effect of hurting sales of the first-generation iPhone, scheduled to launch in the UK on November 9th through O2.

Jobs also clarified why 3G connectivity was left out of the iPhone thus far; and as was clearly shown by AnandTech, battery life was the driving reason. But Jobs is optimistic that future models of the iPhone will have better technology allowing for both 3G and the promised 8 hours of call time.

Source: Daily Tech

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