Why I Love NES on the iPhone

Boy, people have sure been ribbing me about being negative lately on my iPhone Matters posts. Not sure if they missed how psyched I was to review the Jawbone or how excited I was at the prospects of using an iPhone as a barcode scanner.

But to somehow prove to people that my glass is not always half empty I want to share how much I love the NES Emulator on the iPhone.

Truth be told, the sound is crappy, the ROMs are buggy at best, and the controller is just plain useless without a tactile component to it but boy is it fun.

For me, playing Nintendo games on my iPhone brings me back to the days when I was in 7th grade reading Nintendo Power Magazine and scheming on how to score Bayou Billy for Christmas.

I remember keying in “Justin Bailey” to activate the power ups and purple leotard on Samus in Metroid. Or jumping just right on the same turtle shell for unlimited lives in Super Mario Brothers (World 3-1 to be exact). And who could forget the infamous Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Start for the 99 guys in Contra?

Read the full story @ iPhone Matters

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