Q & A: Wozniak Slams Apple For iPhone Price Drop Snafu

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, the driving force behind the original Apple I and Apple II computers, spoke about the iPhone price drop snafu, the innovative offerings coming from Google and other issues on Saturday in a question and answer session with reporters after a keynote address at the ConnectWise Partner Summit in Tampa, Fla. Below are excerpts from the Q and A.

Do you have the iPhone? What do you think of it?

I have the iPhone. I stayed up all night long to get it. I was the first in line in San Jose. I brought a bunch of my friends. I thought it was worth a party.

I even played some stunts to be first in line. It was like waiting up all night in college for Rolling Stones tickets. Thank God I did in 1973. Thank God I did for the show I was. Well this was more fun. I actually had figured out I had been running on two hours sleep a night and I wasn't going to be able to stay up all night. So I finally figured out I could get there at 4 a.m. but some people had stayed up all night. I didn't want to be in line and have 20, 50 people cut in front of me. I might not get an iPhone. So I came up with this great idea of making numbers for the line the way they do with rock concerts. And I made T-shirts and I got approval from the Apple store guy the day before. So I came at 4 am and I accidentally snuck into an open door in the Mall. But nobody sleeping out there even saw me. I got in with my friends and we got our Segways inside and the guard was told who I was and he let us be inside. So we were inside the Mall and everyone else was outside the Mall.

Read the whole article @ CRN

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